Daterra Hosts 1st Grower’s Exchange

From August 7th to 12th, Daterra hosted its first Grower’s Exchange.

The event took place mainly at one of Daterra’s farms, where growers from many different origins met to discuss the challenges and opportunities in our business.


Our main goal is to provide an opportunity for dialog, and hopefully to kickstart a closer relationship between coffee growers which enables us to share difficulties, techniques and information –  therefore, fostering the industry.

We welcomed representatives from Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala and Colombia. Throughout the week, our visitors were introduced to the whole productive plant of Daterra – from the nursery, going through harvesting, to the final cup. The tour was guided by Daterra’s agronomic engineers and sparked interesting sharing of experience and insights.


The producers also cupped Daterra’s coffee as well as their own, highlighting the different cup profile of each region. Along with these activities, we also had debate boards in order to discover and discuss the distinctiveness and challenges of growing in each of the featured countries.


Our week ended at the Agronomic Institute of Campinas, where we learned more about the institute’s researches and its huge contribution to Brazilian coffee development.

Thanks to the receptiveness and vision of all fellow producers, this enriching week has opened minds and created relationships. Surely, we’re walking towards a stronger coffee business on a global level, able to produce better beans, healthier plants and more sustainable productions.

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