Entries by Daterra Coffee

Earth Day: Introducing The Daterra-IAC Awards to stimulate the new generation of scientists.

Thinking about the world’s environmental future has become a concern, sometimes even an absolute alarm. Here in Daterra, we see the topic as responsibility that we have as an agrobusiness. There have been decades of increasingly strident expert warnings and increasingly obvious signs of Earth’s climate change. Couple this with the realization that previous actions […]

Daterra is the first farm of the world to achieve highest certification on sustainability

Daterra just achieved world’s highest Sustainability recognition! We are the first farm in the world to receive “Level A” certification from Rainforest Alliance. Two years ago our farms received an award from Brazil’s most important agriculture news outlet as the most sustainable farm of Brazil. The award prompted us the thought: what to do next? Lots of new project were […]

Daterra Hosts 1st Grower’s Exchange

From August 7th to 12th, Daterra hosted its first Grower’s Exchange. The event took place mainly at one of Daterra’s farms, where growers from many different origins met to discuss the challenges and opportunities in our business. Our main goal is to provide an opportunity for dialog, and hopefully to kickstart a closer relationship between coffee growers […]

1st Ecological Trekking

If you’ve been following us for a while, you might have already seen some of Daterra’s social projects on the rural area of the Cerrado region. One June 24th , one of our long-planned programs came to life: the 1st Ecological Trekking. The event welcomed 35 students from a nearby school, ranging from 7 to 12 years old. […]