Daterra celebrates its 30th anniversary
As we approach the end of 2023, we can’t help looking back and reflecting on our year of celebration — Daterra’s 30th anniversary.
Fortunately, we are celebrating not only Daterra’s anniversary but many other achievements. One of the most relevant is our 20-year partnership with Rainforest Alliance.
Daterra was the first Brazilian farm to become RA back in 2003. Now, millions of people around the globe consume and demand RA certified products; Brazil is the biggest producer of Rainforest certified coffee in the world.
When Daterra was imagined and carefully planned, our vision was to design a new agribusiness model that could help build a better world, transforming the commodity production paradigm: quality versus volume versus sustainability, into quality and volume and sustainability.
We knew our purpose and although we had a lot of questions and just a few answers, we were lucky enough to be surrounded by reliable institutions, good science and knowledgeable people.
The challenge to become a RA farm was decisive to make us understand the procedures better.
Since then, ESG, B Corp, Carbon Negative, NBS (Nature Based Solution) Circular Economy were included in the sustainability taxonomy. But more than seals, validations, or regulations, the commitment to do it must be sovereign as the planet needs more, and that has been our philosophy from the beginning.
Fighting climate change is beyond emergency levels (2023 was the hottest year in the last 125.000 years) and now, corporations are compelled to demonstrate their emissions and start taking up commitments to reduce and mitigate their impacts.
Daterra’s first assessment of CO2 emissions and capture was in 2011. At the time, we already realized our coffee was already Carbon Negative, which means we sequestrated more carbon from the atmosphere than we released while producing our beans.
Through our CO2 neutral coffee supply chain program, our carbon credits are transferred to our coffee buyers from around the globe, contributing for a cleaner and sustainable coffee chain.
As the climate crisis worsens, Daterra made another commitment: The Tree_llion Project.
Tree_llion was born as a plan to plant 3 million trees by 2030; then, it increased to 20 million trees. However, over time, the project became our new regenerative platform to restore «Cerrado», the Brazilian savannahs, by partnering with environmental specialists and fellow agricultural producers.
Just like our coffee farm, Daterra is now a tree farm with our own tree nursery, seedling research, irrigation set, and specific lands.
Besides regenerating Savannahs, this project and its technologies will increase CO2 sequestrations, reduce temperature and increase humidity contributing to mitigating climate change effects.
Our partners from around the globe are also joining the movement and supporting us to make this happen: Morinaga and Kanematsu in Japan; The Barn in Germany; Notes and Redbank in the UK and Abigail Coffee in Brazil.
We are delighted to see how much we have built, counting with the support of nearly 90 companies participating in our native biome regeneration projects.
We appreciate everyone who joined us to make these life-rescuing campaigns a huge success. It is also a great pleasure to see brands using assets from our «green portfolio» and implementing creative ideas to talk about this history of sustainability.
We are excited to continue our sustainability journey alongside with our partners.